Terms and Conditions

Chapter 1: Introduction

Welcome to Drop & Render!

Drop & Render is a leading render farm service specialized for Cinema 4D and Blender users. Our platform is designed to make high-quality rendering accessible and effortless for creatives worldwide, thanks to our fully automatic system equipped with intelligent plugins and add-ons. These tools streamline the rendering process, allowing you to focus on creating amazing visuals without the technical hassle.

Purpose of These Terms

These Terms and Conditions are crafted to ensure that you, the user, are well-informed about the rules, policies, and expectations associated with using Drop & Render’s services. Our goal is to provide a clear and understandable guide that helps protect both you and our platform, ensuring a safe, efficient, and mutually beneficial environment. We commit to transparency in our operations, empowering you to make the best use of our services with confidence.


This agreement applies universally to all users of the Drop & Render service without exception. Whether you are a hobbyist, a professional freelancer, or a large enterprise, these terms are designed to clearly lay out the legal obligations and rights pertaining to your use of our services. We strive to maintain a consistent and fair user experience for everyone involved.

International Users

Recognizing the global nature of the internet, we have designed our Terms and Conditions to be as universally applicable as possible. However, you may be subject to additional laws and regulations that apply in your country of residence or from which you use the service. It is your responsibility to ensure that your use of Drop & Render complies with local laws and regulations.

Readability and Accessibility

We believe that clarity is key to good service. As such, our Terms and Conditions are written to be easily understandable to both legal experts and everyday users. While maintaining professional integrity, we avoid unnecessary jargon, aiming to make this document as readable and straightforward as possible.

Changes to the Terms

While changes to these Terms and Conditions are infrequent, occurring perhaps once every few years, they are typically prompted by significant operational shifts at Drop & Render or by changes in legal regulations. It is our policy not to explicitly notify users of these updates; we believe that regular users of our services will naturally become acquainted with any modifications through their continued use of the platform. This approach helps us streamline our operations and focus on enhancing service quality instead of managing notifications.

Chapter 2: Acceptance of Terms

Accepting Our Terms

When you sign up to use Drop & Render, acceptance of our Terms and Conditions is mandatory. This is facilitated through a checkbox marked during the registration process, which you must tick to proceed. This action signifies your agreement to abide by our rules and policies as long as you use our services.

What Acceptance Means

By accepting these terms, you are legally bound to adhere to them and agree to the following conditions:

User Obligations Upon Revisions

We do not require users to regularly review the Terms and Conditions post-initial acceptance unless there are updates. In the event of any significant changes to the terms, a banner will be displayed on your user dashboard. You are encouraged to click on this banner to learn about the updates. It is your responsibility to stay informed about such changes to continue using our services in compliance with the revised terms.

If You Do Not Agree

If at any point you find yourself in disagreement with any of the stipulated terms:

Documentation and Compliance

Acceptance of our terms is digitally recorded at the point of signing up, ensuring that there is a clear legal basis for any actions taken on your account. For internal compliance and record-keeping, we maintain an electronic log of all acceptances and retain previous versions of the Terms and Conditions to reference changes over time.

Chapter 3: GDPR Compliance

Commitment to Data Privacy and Protection

At Drop & Render, we are dedicated to protecting the privacy and security of your data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Our policies and procedures are designed to ensure that all personal data is handled lawfully and ethically.

Types of Data Collected

We collect several types of data to provide and improve our services:

Purpose and Use of Collected Data

The data we collect serves multiple purposes:

User Rights and Access

As per GDPR, you have the right to access, correct, delete, and port your personal data. Additional rights include:

To exercise these rights, users can utilize features provided on the user dashboard or contact our support team for assistance.

Data Retention and Deletion

We adhere to strict data retention policies:

Compliance and Legal Framework

Drop & Render complies with GDPR through continuous monitoring and updates to our practices. We do not transfer personal data outside the EU, except for minimal necessary data hosted on Amazon servers in the US, which operates under strict compliance frameworks to ensure data protection.

Handling Legal Requests

We process any data requests from law enforcement or governmental authorities under strict legal scrutiny and only in compliance with necessary legal standards.

Chapter 4: User Registration and Account Management

Creating and Managing Your Account

Registration Process: To register and create an account with Drop & Render, you are required to provide the following information:

After submitting your information, you will need to verify your email address to activate your account. This confirmation process is crucial to ensure the security and authenticity of your account.

Account Management: Once your account is active, you can manage and update your account details through the Studio Settings on your dashboard. Here’s what you can do:

Please note: The studio name associated with your account cannot be changed once set.

Data Retention and Security:

Account Deletion and Data Removal:

User Responsibilities:

As a user of Drop & Render, you have certain responsibilities to help maintain the security of your account:

Consequences of Non-Compliance:

Failure to comply with these responsibilities, particularly those related to security, may result in restricted access to our services or potential account suspension. It is crucial to follow these guidelines to prevent unauthorized access and ensure a secure user environment.

Chapter 5: Use of Services

Accessing and Utilizing Our Services

Service Requirements: To access and utilize Drop & Render’s rendering services, you must:

Credits System:

Usage Guidelines:

Service Features:

Support and Troubleshooting:

Chapter 6: Billing and Payment Policy

Overview of Billing and Payment Procedures

Accepted Payment Methods: Drop & Render offers a variety of payment methods to accommodate our users' preferences and geographic locations. The specific payment options available to you depend on your country of residence and can be found on our pricing page. We do not charge additional fees for using any of the listed payment methods.

Purchasing Credits: Credits are essential for accessing our rendering services and can be purchased directly through your user dashboard. The process includes:

Should you encounter any issues during the payment process, please contact our support team for swift assistance.

Billing Cycles and Statements:

Refunds and Credit Disputes:

Security and Record-Keeping:

Chapter 7: Credits and Refund Policies

Understanding Credits and Refund Policies at Drop & Render

Acquisition and Utilization of Credits:

Credits Validity and Management:

Transferring and Sharing Credits:

Refund Policy and Credit Adjustments:

General Credit Policies:

Handling Disputes and Ensuring Customer Satisfaction:

Chapter 8: Testing Credits

Introduction to Testing Credits

At Drop & Render, we believe in allowing new users to fully test our services to ensure they meet their needs before making any financial commitment. To facilitate this, we provide testing credits to all new users upon their successful account activation.

Eligibility and Allocation of Testing Credits:

Usage of Testing Credits:

Purpose of Testing Credits:

Communicating Benefits:

Chapter 9: Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Ownership and User License

Ownership of Drop & Render Content and Tools: Drop & Render exclusively owns all intellectual property rights in and to its services, including the Cinema 4D plugin, Blender add-on, IOs App, Andriod App and website content. These tools are proprietary products developed to enhance user experience and service efficiency. Additionally, while we utilize SquidNet software for our backend systems, it is integrated in such a way that it aligns with our own tools and is covered under the same IP rights as Drop & Render’s proprietary content.

User Content: Users retain full ownership of the intellectual property rights in their projects and the outputs generated using Drop & Render's services. Drop & Render does not access, use, or share user projects without explicit permission. Furthermore, only specifically trained personnel are permitted to handle user projects when necessary, ensuring a high level of confidentiality and security. Drop & Render commits to not sharing or disclosing user content with any third parties.

License to Use Drop & Render Services: Drop & Render grants users a non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use our software and services for commercial purposes, which is suitable for both individual and business users. This license includes access to our Cinema 4D plugin, Blender add-on, and any associated updates or enhancements, and is intended to support the professional needs of our users in accordance with our Terms and Conditions.

Protection and Infringement of Intellectual Property: Drop & Render actively protects its intellectual property and respects the IP rights of others. We have implemented measures to prevent IP infringement and unauthorized use of our services and content. Users are prohibited from copying, modifying, distributing, selling, or otherwise exploiting Drop & Render's intellectual property without our express permission.

Handling IP Infringement Claims:

Chapter 10: Prohibited Use

Restrictions on Use of Drop & Render Services

General Misuse:

Users of Drop & Render services must adhere to the highest standards of integrity and fair use. Prohibited actions include, but are not limited to:

Security Violations: Drop & Render is committed to maintaining the security of its services and the confidentiality of user data. Users are prohibited from:

Legal Compliance:

Monitoring and Enforcement:

Chapter 11: Limitation of Liability

Limitations and Exclusions of Liability

Extent of Liability:

Drop & Render commits to providing high-quality rendering services but does not assume liability for any unintended service interruptions or the failure of services to meet your specific needs. Liability is limited to circumstances directly attributable to Drop & Render's negligence or willful misconduct and only to the extent such liability is mandated by law.

Financial Limitations:

Drop & Render’s financial liability for any claims arising out of or related to the use of its services is strictly limited to the amount the user has paid for the services. This cap is applicable whether the potential liability arises out of contract, tort, or any other legal theory.

Exclusions from Liability:

User Responsibilities and Risk Assumption:

Chapter 12: Changes to Terms and Conditions

Updating Terms and Conditions

Mechanism for Changes:

Drop & Render reserves the right to update and change the Terms and Conditions as needed. Changes may occur due to developments in our services, legal changes, new regulatory requirements, or other significant factors that impact our business operations. Our goal in updating the terms is to clarify our practices and ensure compliance with prevailing laws.

Notification of Changes:

User Acceptance of Changes:

Access to Historical Records:

Chapter 14: Governing Law

Legal Framework and Dispute Resolution

Jurisdiction and Applicability: The Terms and Conditions of Drop & Render are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Netherlands, where our company is headquartered. This jurisdiction is chosen to ensure consistency and predictability in legal interpretations and enforcement related to our services.

Conflict of Laws: In situations where there is a conflict between the laws of the Netherlands and the laws of other jurisdictions where our services are used, Drop & Render will endeavor to resolve such conflicts in a manner that respects local legal requirements without relinquishing its adherence to Dutch law. We aim to balance compliance with multinational legal norms with our foundational legal obligations under Dutch law.

Dispute Resolution:

International Considerations:

Chapter 15: Contact Information

Connecting with Drop & Render Support

Drop & Render is committed to providing comprehensive support for all user inquiries, whether they concern technical issues, billing, or general feedback. Here's how you can get in touch with us:

Types of Inquiries:

Users can contact Drop & Render for any type of inquiry, including but not limited to technical support, billing questions, and feedback on our services. We aim to provide thorough and responsive assistance for all your needs.

Contact Methods:

Availability and Response Time:

Language Support:

Additional Resources: